HoyaTea Packaging Design

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2021-Sep-12 1746 0


Tea is one of the oldest drinks in Iranian circles and parties, the seductive aroma and taste of which will never allow you to drink a cup. However, tea has a special and golden place in the shopping cart of Iranians. Zarif Graphic, considering the popularity of this pleasant hot drink, wanted to offer what is appropriate in the design of identity tea packaging.


Original Iranian packaging design for Hoyati tea

Hewati tea is one of the Iranian tea export brands that is offered to far and near geographical points. Therefore, in order to better introduce the culture and originality of the product, we have used the flower and chicken design, which is one of the original Iranian miniature designs. Miniature designs are among the magnificent designs of distinguished Iranian masters that the whole world considers the style and art of Iran. However, this plan is a powerful Iranian ambassador in the identity tea brand, in addition to presenting the beauty of the plan, it is also a kind of silent marketing of the product.

طراحی خلاقانه بسته بندی چای هویاتیعکاسی صنعتی و تبلیغاتی محصولات مواد غذایی در ظریف گرافیکطراحی بسته بندی و خدمات چاپ تخصصی چای هویاتیطراحی چای صادراتی هویاتی گیلان ایرانیطراحی تخصصی بسته بندی چای هویاتی گیلان ایرانطراحی و عکاسی تبلیغاتی چای هویاتیطراحی و خدمات چاپ بسته بندی هویاتیطراحی بسته بندی چای هویاتی و عکاسی تبلیغاتی و صنعتی در ظریف گرافیک

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