Khorasan Petrochemical Brochure Design

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2021-Oct-06 1949 1

Khorasan Petrochemical Company - the largest production center for north and northeast chemical products - asked our studio to design a comprehensive, multi-lingual brochure that exalted the company's products and services to international customers in five languages: English, Russian, Turkish, Arabic and Persian. 

We faced the challenge of delivering concise information within limited space while adhering to their existing visual identity. Fortunately, with careful testing, we achieved this mission successfully: presenting an extensive catalogue of offerings in an attractive and professional style.

بروشور-شرکت-پتروشیمیطراحی بروشور و کاتالوگ ظریف گرافیکطراحی-بروشور-برای-شرکت-پتروشیمیکاتالوگ پتروشیمی خراسان

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