Iblo Wooden Phone Stand (Tonex) Packaging

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2023-Apr-15 1794 0

Iblo Furniture Production and Zarif Graphic have enjoyed a successful collaboration from the very beginning. While renowned for producing top-notch furniture, Iblo adds to its repertoire with a line of high-quality accessories, such as its most recent addition, Tonex. Sleek and handcrafted entirely from wood, Tonex is unlike any other mobile phone holder on the market, serving both functionality and aesthetic appeal in one handy product.

Distinctly unique in its design, Tonex's packaging does not rely on photography. Instead, the packaging focuses on the a uniqe product image that fits iblo's style, all while drawing inspiration from the soundwaves and wooden material that define Tonex. The result: a packaging design that is clean, minimalistic, and sophisticated, with fluid, wave-like patterns that emphasize the product's inherent elegance. It is noteworthy that Zarif Graphic took charge of not only the packaging design but also the printing, photography, and teaser creation for Tonex.
Iblo Furniture Production and Zarif Graphic's collaboration remain triumphant, and the packaging of Tonex bears witness to this. It represents a superb expression of imagination and creativity, showing how, when top talent comes together, innovation is sure to follow.


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