ZKS Saffron Packaging - France

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2022-Jun-20 1977 0

ZKS is a saffron company brand that needed a simple-yet-luxury-looking packaging for its product. This packaging needed two critical things:

First ZKS saffron packaging had to grab instant attention. The eye-catching appetence had to come naturally and give a good reason for the audience to take action. And second, it needed to say what the product is all about. ZKS’s potential customers need to be able to know the product is saffron with just a simple glance!

The small saffron flower in the middle of the package and the pattern of saffron stigmas in the background of the design gives an attractive effect to the package. On the other hand, the weight of the product and the slogan "Carefully hand-picked for you" in French is gold foil printed to make an easy visual. The UV print services were also used for the product name alongside the saffron flowers.


zks-saffron-packagingsaffron-packaging-design-zksafghanistan-producted-saffron-packagingبسته-بندی-فرانسه-زعفران-صادراتیطراحی-محصول-بسته-بندی-زعفرانطراحی-بسته-بندی-zksبسته-بندی-لاکچری-زعفران-فرانسهبسته-بندی-کشویی-زعفران-صادراتیطراحی و عکاسی خلاقانه بسته بندی زعفرانزعفران-zksطراحی-لیبل-ظرف-زعفران-zksSafarn-packaging-designپکیجینگ-زعفران-صادراتیپشت-بسته-بندی-زعفران-zksطراحی-جعبه-کشویی-زعفران

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