Dumano Ecotourism Lodge Logo Design

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2022-Jun-26 3205 0

When it comes to a brand logo, everyone is talking about how critical it is to stand out from the crowd or to create something “simple-yet-unique” that’s on-trend but also timeless. While you can’t really deny those things, there is something that’s way more important than any “good logo Characteristics“ and that's the brand role itself. After all, this IS all for the brand.

Dumano is an Ecotourism lodge that provides accommodations rewarding a much more nature-based experience for tourists and travelers located in Bojnurd –one of the most beautiful cities in Iran.


Even though a modern logo doesn’t exactly go with this concept, we needed to design a visually appealing logo. But as said before, that’s not the main concern for a logo, and neither was it in Dumano’s identity. First and foremost, there was a Persian culture to show, and given the brand’s niche, we knew this would be an essential element for the logo. But we still needed a story or a character to express. That was when a Kerosene lamp appeared on our heads! 

The idea was to create a symbol that wasn’t necessarily something new and modern but an image that actually represented an older, more nature-based world. An element that symbolizes light and hopes with a warm, welcoming, and of course, adventurous theme.

Eventually, with a combination of inspired Persian famous patterns and nature itself, we created the resemblance we hoped for. A distinctive visual identity that can speak of a different adventure. Just like what Dumano’s slogan says: an experience just for you!




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