Katia Cafe Restaurant logo and Identity Design

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2021-Sep-22 1588 0


Katia - a Cafe Restaurant located in Mashhad-Iran - needed a logo that could show a cafe restaurant identity to brand with. Considering the warm, modern and comfortable environment the Katia cafe restaurant wanted to reflect, using flexible lines for the logotype. This adaptation in the logo and restaurant cafe environment makes the audience get to know and connect with the brand's unique perspective. Ultimately we created a smart combination of a coffee bean and hamburger to convey both of Katia's Services at the same time.

Katya's visual identity

In designing the Katia restaurant cafe logo, we tried our best to create a sense of intimacy and comfort in the brand's young audience. When it comes to creating an identity and of course patterns, you can get inspiration from any concept in the universe and reach your desired result as long as it fits the brand.
We looked at this issue from two perspectives, one from the audience's point of view and the other from the Katia collection's perspective.

From the audience: After all the daily work and running, it is possible to find an environment where you can sit in a corner and drink a coffee or eat your meal while leaving behind everything else. This pattern shows twisted lines that eventually lead to comfort symbolized as a coffee, a well-made burger, etc.
From Katya: apart from all the competition, hard work, and efforts to improve every day and live up 
to Katya's ambitious goals; We're honored to be a happy place for the youth of our city who dream as big as we do!

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