Park Hyatt Grand Hotel Logo Design

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2021-Sep-11 1820 0

A logo is an integral part of a company’s brand that also represents a company’s values, goals, and overall identity.  So we had to develop a design that would show the true personality of a well-worth five-star Hayat Park Hotel.

During our experience in testing out new patterns, we tried to use the hotel name to introduce the brand’s identity, but the brand's name ‘Park Hyatt Grand Hotel’ didn't seem to fit perfectly with our initial logo mark.

So to design the hotel’s visual identity and logo, we used the acronym (P.H.G,H). But we also essentially put the hotel’s full name in an attractive and luxurious font under the logo.

We designed a red oval frame with a golden border to show the Special and elegant theme that the brand likes to picture.

We also fingered it’s essential to show the hotel's qualifications and identity right away, as it can help create an impression of trustworthiness, innovation, quality, or even fun. This is why the logo introduces itself as a five golden stars hotel at first sight.

طراحی لوگو هتل لاکچری پارک حیات مشهد طرقبه در ظریف گرافیکطراحی خلاقانه لوگو هتل 5 ستاره لوکس پارک حیات مشهد در ظریف گرافیکطراحی لوگو تخصصی هتل لوکس پارک حیات گرند هتل مشهد در ظریف گرافیکطراحی حرفه ای لوگو هتل لوکس پارک حیات در مشهد با ظریف گرافیکطراحی لوگو هتل های مجلل

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