Verkio Smart Contract Assistant Logo Design

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2021-Sep-12 1659 0

Verkio is a German Company that specializes in extending and terminating contracts. The letter "V" combined with the tick symbol represents successful contracts. On the other hand, the file icon indicates the contracts and documents' concepts in purple and blue colors.

The colors were chosen as they are moderate, neutral, and positive, creating a sense of calm and confidence in the customers. Additionally, purple conveys success and fortune but also wisdom and dignity, which are vital as a brand value. The logos Tagline - Verwaktung (management), KI (artificial intelligence), and Ordentlich (sorting) - translate a fitting slogan to represent the core features of Verkio’s purpose and are important to express in the logo.

طراتحی تخصصی لوگو مشاوران املاک در آلمان با ظریف گرافیکطراحی خلاقانه لوگو بنگاه املاک در آلمان با تجربه ظریف گرافیکطراحی خلاقانه لوگو مشاغل در آلمان با ظریف گرافیکطراحی حرفه ای لوگو مشاوران املاک کشور آلمان در ظریف گرافیکطراحی تخصصی لوگو مشاوران املاک و ساخت و ساز در ظریف گرافیک


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